Olayinka Shiyanbola
Credentials: PhD, BPharm
Position title: Associate Professor, Social and Administrative Sciences Division; Director of Graduate Studies, Health Services Research in Pharmacy; Associate Director, Collaborative Center for Health Equity; Director, Success Together Reaching Independence, Diversity, and Empowerment (STRIDE)
Email: olayinka.shiyanbola@wisc.edu
I study diabetes self-management including medication use among underserved populations, health literacy and health equity, and medication adherence in individuals with type 2 diabetes. My diabetes-related research activities investigate culturally influenced diabetes self-management behaviors and medication adherence among African Americans with type 2 diabetes. I have successfully tested community- based diabetes self-management programs for African Americans including Peers LEAD. My research also examines how pharmacists can implement brief health-literacy psychosocial support interventions for patients with diabetes. I am developing the first culturally appropriate illness perception tool for African Americans with type 2 diabetes. Finally, I have projects that longitudinally examine medication adherence changes overtime in Blacks with diabetes.